
Autor Titel
Essl, A.
Hauser, D.
Suter, M.
von Bieberstein, F.
The Tree Task: An incentivized, one-shot decision task to study pro-environmental behavior
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 103, 102540.
Autor Titel
Hauser, D
Bregulla, D
Saving the world voluntarily: Experimental evidence of gain-loss framing on voluntary pro-environmental behavior 
Ecological Economics
Suter, M.
Strahm, N.
Bundeli, T.
Kaessner, K.
Cologna, V.
Berger, S.
Framing effects in expert assessments of optimal GDP development 
Ecological Economics
Essl, A.
Hauser, D.
von Bieberstein, F.
Let's think about the future: The effect of positive and negative future primes on pro-environmental behavior
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 102105.
Autor Titel
Essl, A.
von Bieberstein, F.
Kosfeld, M.
Kröll, M.
Social Preferences and Sales Performance
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, DOI: 10.1111/jems.12523.
Essl, A.
Friedrich, K.
Schumacher, S.
von Bieberstein, F.
Penalty contracts: Is it all about paying the cash upfront?
Review of Managerial Science, DOI: 10.1007/s11846-022-00617-6.
Kulle, A.-C.
Schumacher, S.
von Bieberstein, F.
Mobile vaccination units substantially increase COVID-19 vaccinations: evidence from a randomized controlled trial
Journal of Public Health, DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdad213


Autor Titel
Friedrich, K. 
Essl, A.
On the effectiveness of gifts to initiate business relations in the circular economy.
Die Unternehmung, 76(3), 315-337.


Köllen T. What Makes a Good Diversity Manager? A Virtue-Based Perspective.
Business & professional ethics journal, 41(2), S. 217-239. 
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Wiedeler C.
Kammerlander N.
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Venturing Motives and Venturing Types in Entrepreneurial Families: A Corporate Entrepreneurship Perspective. 
Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 46(1), S. 44-81.
Bertschi A.
Sieger P.
Wittig T.
Hack A.
Sacrifice, Protect, and Hope for the Best: Family Ownership, Turnaround Moves, and Crisis Survival. (Im Druck). Entrepreneurship theory and practice Wiley
Ernst R.
Gerken M.
Hack A.
Hülsbeck M.
SMES’ reluctance to embrace corporate sustainability: The effect of stakeholder pressure on self-determination and the role of social proximity. 
Journal of cleaner production, 335, S. 130273.

Ernst R.
Gerken M.
Hack A.
Hülsbeck M.
Family firms as agents of sustainable development: a normative perspective.
Technological forecasting and social change, 174, S. 121135.
Gerken M.
Hülsbeck M.
Ostermann T.
Hack A.
Validating the FIBER Scale to measure family firm heterogeneity – a replication study with extensions. 
Journal of family business strategy, S. 100497. 
Stutz A.
Schell S.
Hack A.
In family firms we trust – experimental evidence on the credibility of sustainability reporting: a replication study with extension.
Journal of family business strategy, S. 100498. 

Berger S.
Kilchenmann A.
Lenz O.
Ockenfels A.
Schlöder F.
Wyss A.
Large but diminishing effects of climate action nudges under rising costs.
Nature human behaviour.
Berger S.
Ebeling F.
Feldhaus C.
Löschel A.
Wyss A.
What motivates smart meter adoption? Evidence from an experimental advertising campaign in Germany. 
Energy research & social science, 85, S. 102357.
Berger S.
Kilchenmann A.
Lenz O.
Schlöder F.
Willingness-to-pay for carbon dioxide offsets: Field evidence on revealed preferences in the aviation industry. 
Global environmental change, 73, S. 102470.
Wyss A.
Knoch D.
Berger S.
When and how pro-environmental attitudes turn into behavior: The role of costs, benefits, and self-control. 
Journal of environmental psychology, 79, S. 101748.
Schnaufer K.
Christandl F.
Berger S.
Meynhardt T.
Gollwitzer M.
The shift to pay transparency: Undermet pay standing expectations and consequences. 
Journal of organizational behavior, 43(1), S. 69-90. 
Autor Titel
Halder A.
Prügl R.
Kraiczy N.
Hack A.
The Family Factor: How collaborative dialogue between owner managers and the owner family shapes firm-level outcomes. 
Journal of Small Business Management, S. 1-40
Schell S.
de Groote J.
Hack A.
Kammerlander N.
Managing the similarity-complementarity dilemma in family firms` open innovation partnerships (Im Druck). 
Small Business Economics Springer
von Bieberstein F.
Essl A.
Friedrich K.
Empathy: A clue for prosocialty and driver of indirect reciprocity. 
PLoS ONE, 16(8), e0255071. Public Library of Science
von Bieberstein F.
Jaussi S.
Lost in Big Data? Mehr Mut zu Experimenten in der Forschung. 
Die Unternehmung, 75(2), S. 207-214.