Dr. Andrea Essl

Dozentin / Promotion 2016

Abteilung Organisation

+41 31 684 55 39
Engehaldenstrasse 4
3012 Bern
Nach Vereinbarung
Refereed Journals and Proceedings
Essl, A., Hauser, D., Suter, M. & von Bieberstein, F. (2025). The Tree Task: An incentivized, one-shot decision task to study pro-environmental behavior, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 103, 102540.
Essl, A., Hauser, D. & von Bieberstein, F. (2024). Let's think about the future: The effect of positive and negative future primes on pro-environmental behavior, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 102105.
Essl, A., Suter, M. & von Bieberstein, F. (2023). The effect of future-time referencing on pro-environmental behavior, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 107102105.
Essl, A., von Bieberstein, F., Kosfeld, M. & Kröll, M. (2023). Social Preferences and Sales Performance, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, DOI: 10.1111/jems.12523.
Essl, A., Friedrich, K., Schumacher, S. & von Bieberstein, F. (2023). Penalty contracts: Is it all about paying the cash upfront? Review of Managerial Science, DOI: 10.1007/s11846-022-00617-6.
Friedrich, K. & Essl, A. (2022). On the effectiveness of gifts to initiate business relations in the circular economy. Die Unternehmung, 76(3), 315-337.
Essl, A., Steffen, A. & Staehle, M. (2021). Choose to reuse! The effect of action-close reminders on pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 110, 102539.
von Bieberstein, F., Essl, A., & Friedrich, K. (2021): Empathy: A clue for prosociality and driver of indirect reciprocity. PLOS ONE, 16, e0255071.
von Bieberstein, F., Essl, A., & Friedrich, K. (2020): Gain versus loss contracts: Does contract framing affect agents’ reciprocity?. Economics Letters, 187, 108846.
von Bieberstein, F., Crede, A. K., Essl, A. & Hack, A. (2020): Signaling and stakeholder honesty: On the individual and combined effects of owner-family membership and religious affiliation. Family Business Review. 33(3), 265-283.
Essl, A. & Jaussi, S. (2017): Choking under time pressure: The influence of time-dependent bonus and malus incentive schemes on performance. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 133, 127-137.
  • Masterseminar «Feldexperimente zu Nachhaltigkeit in Organisationen»
  • Bachelorvorlesung «Nachhaltigkeit in Organisationen»
  • Datenanalyse Workshop für Masterarbeiten am IOP
  • Betreuung von Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

My research interests are in the fields of behavioral, experimental, and organizational economics with a particular focus on sustainability in organizations, incentives, and social preferences. A large part of my current work is carried out in collaboration with companies.